Added support for Box data to CompoundDataPlug.
Optimised the Context class considerably, particularly for temporary Contexts created during computation. A synthetic test which does nothing but create temporary Contexts shows a reduction in runtime of 97%, resulting in a 30% reduction in total runtime for a more real-world test using the Instancer node (#427).
Fixed Context copy construction doubling in Python bindings.
Fixed circular references within the undo system, which caused memory leaks where scripts were not destroyed at the appropriate time (#397).
Optimised ComputeNode::hash(). This yields ~14% reduction in runtime for a simple Reformat benchmark.
Fixed PyQt circular references within GafferUI.Menu (#397).
Fixed crash caused by File->Quit menu item.
Improved UI for BoxPlugs.
Added crop window to StandardOptions node (#688).
Renamed gaffer:visibility attribute to scene:visible, to support the standard attribute with that name in Cortex scene caches.
Added a SetFilter node (#92).
Fixed deadlock removing input from running InteractiveRender node, or undoing or redoing such an operation.
Added pausing for interactive renders (#646).
Renamed BoxPlug min() and max() methods to minPlug() and maxPlug().
Made Context::Scope noncopyable.
Added GAFFERTEST_ASSERT macro. This should be used by test cases implemented in C++, and throws an exception which can be caught and reported by the Python unit test runner.
Added _copy argument to Context::get() bindings.
Added optimised Context copy constructor, primarily for use in constructing temporary Contexts. See class documentation for details.
Added checks for zombie ScriptNodes and Widgets at app shutdown. This can catch many common programming errors.
Added BoxPlugValueWidget class.