
Samples primitive variables from parametric positions on some source curves. The positions are specified using the index of the curve and its v parameter.


Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.


The processed output scene.


The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.


The input scene


The filter used to determine which objects in the in scene will receive primitive variables sampled from the sourceLocation in the source scene.


Adjusts bounding boxes to account for the changes made to the object.


Adjusting boundings boxes has a performance penalty. If you do not need accurate bounds or you know that the bounds will only change slightly, you may prefer to turn this off.


The scene that contains the source primitive that primitive variables will be sampled from.


The location of the primitive in the source scene that will be sampled from.


The names of the primitive variables to be sampled from the source primitive. These should be separated by spaces and can use Gaffer’s standard wildcards to match multiple variables. The sampled variables are prefixed with prefix before being added to the sampling object.


A prefix applied to the names of the sampled primitive variables before they are added to the sampling object. This is particularly useful when sampling something like “P”, and not not wanting to modify the true vertex positions of the sampling primitive.


The name of a boolean primitive variable created to record the success or failure of the sampling operation.


The name of an integer primitive variable that specifies the index of the curve to be sampled. If left unspecified, the first curve will be sampled.


The name of a float primitive variable that specifies the parametric position on the curve to be sampled. A value of 0 corresponds to the start of the curve, and a value of 1 corresponds to the end. If left unspecified, a value of 0 is used.


Values outside the 0-1 range are invalid and cannot be sampled. In this case, the status output primitive variable will contain False to indicate failure.