Improved dirtiness propagation mechanism to remove duplicate signal emission.
Backdrop improvements
Backdrop contents can now be scaled, so large backdrops can still have readable text when zoomed out.
Fixed bug which meant that empty backdrops didn’t immediately redraw as highlighted when selected.
Improved resizing behaviour.
Fixed cut and paste bug.
Added doublesided attribute to StandardAttributes node (#275).
Fixed packaging of Arnold plugins.
Fixed problem where light shaders weren’t being created as lights.
Fixed public build to work with older 3delight versions where RiProceduralV isn’t available.
Added support for several new attributes in RenderManAttributes node (#275).
The plugDirtiedSignal() is now emitted when a value has been edited with ValuePlug::setValue() - this means that observers need only ever use plugDirtiedSignal() instead of also having to use plugSetSignal() as well.
Added Style::characterBound(). This returns a bounding box guaranteed to cover the largest character in the font. It is useful for correctly positioning the text baseline among other things.