Added a GafferBindings::NodeClass class, which simplifies the binding of Node derived classes. It is now a one liner to bind a typical extension node.
The op app now has an arguments parameter which can be used to specify the parameter values for the op.
The op app now has a gui parameter. When this is true a gui is presented, when it is false the op is executed directly on the command line.
Added the GafferScene and GafferSceneUI modules. These will allow the generation and editing of scene graphs.
Fixed RunTimeTyped registration of Gaffer::CompoundPlug.
Fixed behaviour when a Widget doesn’t have a tooltip - it now correctly looks for tooltips on parent Widgets until one is found.
Added a GafferUI.NumericSlider widget.
The Viewer now correctly updates when the context has changed. The EditorWidget no longer calls _updateFromContext() at awkward times.
Added a simple TimeEditor for manipulating the current frame.
Fixed GIL problems caused by passing multithreaded python procedurals to RenderableGadget.
Fixed GIL problems when emitting signals with python slots from a thread which does not currently hold the GIL.
Added an ExpressionNode class.
PlugValueWidgets now have setContext and getContext methods, and update correctly when the context changes if a plug has input connections.
Added a Gaffer.TransformPlug class, for specifying transformations.
Removed NodeUI.createPlugValueWidget() registeredWidgets only parameter.
Added PathListingWidget setPathExpanded, getPathExpanded, setExpandedPaths, getExpandedPaths and expansionChangedSignal methods.
Added the GafferImage and GafferImageUI modules, for tile based image processing.
Removed deprecated StandardNodeGadget::acceptsNodule() method, and associated StandardNodeGadget( node, deferNoduleCreation ) constructor. Nodule creation should now be controlled entirely by the Nodule factory mechanism.
The Application base class now automatically creates an ApplicationRoot and makes it available via the root() method. Derived classes should use this rather than create their own. The Application base class now also makes sure that all startup files have been executed before the application is run, so derived classes may not now call _executeStartupFiles themselves (it is now protected). Additionally the doRun() method has been renamed to _run, to be more in keeping with general python philosophy.
The WeakMethod class now throws a more useful exception when called on expired instances.
Fixed bug whereby menus were never destroyed due to a circular reference. This masked other bugs whereby some uis weren’t maintaining a reference to their menus to keep them alive - it’s now essential that this is done.
Fixed bug which prevented dynamic output CompoundNumericPlugs serialising correctly.
Fixed problems caused by PlugValueWidget.init calling _updateFromPlug() at a point when the derived class is not fully constructed. PlugValueWidget.init no longer calls _updateFromPlug(), so derived classes should now call it at the end of their init method.
ColorPlugValueWidget now has numeric fields for editing the colour, in addition to the swatch.
ContainerGadget can now add padding around the children, accessed using the new setPadding() and getPadding() methods.
StandardNodeGadget can now be used in a vertical orientation as well as a horizontal one. This will be useful for making graphs which better suit a horizontal flow (shaders for example).
Fixed IECore::RunTimeTyped registration for CompoundNumericPlug types.
Added GafferArnold module.
Added Label.linkActivatedSignal(), for reacting to HTML links in label text.
Fixed flickering caused by MenuBars appearing briefly on screen before being parented.
Added MultiLineTextWidget setWrapMode, getWrapMode, appendHTML, linkAt and linkActivatedSignal methods.
Added a PopupWindow class.
Fixed the Slider button press handler to swallow the events it uses.
Added Window setPosition() and getPosition() methods.
Moved NodeUI.registerPlugValueWidget() functionality into PlugValueWidget.registerCreator().
Removed NodeUI._build() method. Derived classes should instead pass a topLevelWidget to the constructor if they wish to be in control of the ui construction.
GafferUI.EventLoop now disables any idle callbacks which error during execution.
Added Node::acceptsInput virtual method, to allow nodes to reject connections.
Added a Widget.bound() method.
Added GadgetWidget.positionToGadgetSpace() method, for converting Widget-relative positions into Gadget-relative lines.
Added a GraphEditor.graphGadgetWidget() method.
Nodes created via the NodeMenu are now automatically connected to the selected nodes, and positioned based on those connections.
Parameter help for CompoundParameters (and derived classes) is now available as a tooltip on the label of the Collapsible ui.
The op application now has an arguments parameter, which can be used to specify the initial values for the parameters of the op (backported from trunk).
The python application now has an arguments parameter, which can be used to specify an arbitrary list of strings to be provided to the python script in a variable called argv.
VectorDataWidget now allows a minimum number of visible rows to be passed in the constructor. Previously a similar behaviour was implemented internally with the minimum hardcoded to 1 - the new default is now 8. This improves the layout of CompoundVectorDataParameters.
Added workaround for Qt problems which caused VectorDataWidget to sometimes be clipped on the right hand edge.