
Modifies the standard attributes on objects - these should be respected by all renderers.


Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.


The processed output scene.


The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.


The input scene


The filter used to control which parts of the scene are processed. A Filter node should be connected here.


The attributes to be applied - arbitrary numbers of user defined attributes may be added as children of this plug via the user interface, or using the CompoundDataPlug API via python.


Whether or not the object can be seen - invisible objects are not sent to the renderer at all. Typically more fine grained (camera, reflection etc) visibility can be specified using a renderer specific attributes node. Note that making a parent location invisible will always make all the children invisible too, regardless of their visibility settings.


Whether or not the object can be seen from both sides. Single sided objects appear invisible when seen from the back.


Whether or not transformation animation on the object is taken into account in the rendered image. Use the transformBlurSegments plug to specify the number of segments used to represent the motion.


The number of segments of transform animation to pass to the renderer when transformBlur is on.


Whether or not deformation animation on the object is taken into account in the rendered image. Use the deformationBlurSegments plug to specify the number of segments used to represent the motion.


The number of segments of transform animation to pass to the renderer when transformBlur is on.


The lights to be linked to this object. Accepts a set expression or a space separated list of lights. Use “defaultLights” to refer to all lights that contribute to illumination by default.


The lights to be filtered by this light filter. Accepts a set expression or a space separated list of lights. Use “defaultLights” to refer to all lights that contribute to illumination by default.


Causes the attributes to be applied to the scene globals instead of the individual locations defined by the filter.


An additional set of attributes to be added. Arbitrary numbers of attributes may be specified within a single IECore::CompoundData object, where each key/value pair in the object defines an attribute. This is convenient when using an expression to define the attributes and the attribute count might be dynamic.

If the same attribute is defined by both the attributes and the extraAttributes plugs, then the value from the extraAttributes is taken.