Resamples the list of primitive variables in Names for either mesh, curves or point primitives.
The reampling algorithm either expands or reduces each primitive variable's data based on the primitive type, primitive variable source interpolation and target interpolation as detailed in the tables below
Mesh Primitive
source / target | Constant | Uniform | Vertex | FaceVarying |
Constant | - | copy | copy | copy |
Uniform | average | - | copy | copy |
Vertex / Varying | average | polygon average | - | copy |
FaceVarying | average | polygon average | vertex average | - |
Curves Primitive
source / target | Constant | Uniform | Vertex | FaceVarying |
Constant | - | copy | copy | copy |
Uniform | average | - | copy | copy |
Vertex | average | curve average | - | evaluated |
Varying / FaceVarying | average | curve average | evaluated | - |
Points Primitive
source / target | Constant | Uniform | Vertex / FaceVarying |
Constant | - | copy | copy |
Uniform | copy | - | copy |
Vertex / Varying / FaceVarying | average | average | - |
evaluated : spline evaluated to approximate vertex or varying values
copy : expand source values to target based on topology
average : calculate the mean of the primitive variable (either for the whole primitive, for face / curve or vertex)
Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.
The processed output scene.
The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.
The input scene
The filter used to control which parts of the scene are processed. A Filter node should be connected here.
The names of the primitive variables to be affected. Names should be separated by spaces, and Gaffer’s standard wildcard characters may be used.
When on, the primitive variables matched by names are unaffected, and the non-matching primitive variables are affected instead.
Target interpolation for the primitive variables