
Converts an image into a points primitive, with a point for each pixel in the image. Point positions may be defined either by the original pixel coordinates or an image layer providing position data. Arbitrary image channels may be converted to additional primitive variables on the points, and transparent pixels may be omitted from the conversion.


Only pixels within the display window are converted. To include overscan pixels, use a Crop node to extend the display window.


Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.


The output scene.


The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs an empty scene.


The name of the object in the output scene.


A list of sets to include the object in. The names should be separated by spaces.


The transform applied to the object.


The image to be converted into a points primitive.


The view within the image to be converted.


The image channels used to provide 3d positions for the points. If None, the pixel’s 2d position within the image is used instead.


The image channels to be converted to primitive variables on the points primitive. The chosen channels are converted using the following rules :

  • The main RGB channels are converted to a colour primitive variable called Cs.

  • <layerName>.RGB channels are converted to a colour primitive variable called <layerName>.

  • Other channels are converted to individual float primitive variables.


The width of the points. If widthChannel is used as well, then this acts as a multiplier on the channel values.


The channel used to provide per-point width values for the points primitive.


Omits pixels from the points primitive if their alpha value is less than or equal to alphaThreshold.


Threshold used to exclude pixels from the points primitive when ignoreTransparent is on.