Converts lights into cameras. Spotlights are converted to a perspective camera with the field of view matching the cone angle, and distant lights are converted to an orthographic camera.
Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.
The processed output scene.
The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.
The input scene
Specifies which lights to convert.
How the aperture gate (the frame defined by the aperture) will fit into the resolution gate (the framed defined by the data window). Fitting is applied only if the respective aspect ratios of the aperture and the resolution are different. The following fitting modes are available:
Horizontal: The aperture gate will fit horizontally between the left/right edges of the resolution gate, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the aperture’s aspect ratio is larger than the resolution’s, the top/bottom edges of the aperture will be cropped. If it’s smaller, then the top/bottom edges will capture extra vertical scene content.
Vertical: The aperture gate will fit vertically between the top/bottom edges of the resolution gate, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the aperture’s aspect ratio is larger than the resolution’s, the left/right edges of the aperture will be cropped. If it’s smaller, then the left/right edges will capture more horizontal scene content.
Fit: The aperture gate will fit horizontally (like Horizontal mode) or vertically (like Vertical mode) inside the resolution gate to avoid cropping the aperture, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the two gates’ aspect ratios differ, the aperture will capture extra horizontal or vertical scene content.
Fill: The aperture gate will fill the resolution gate such that none of the aperture captures extra scene content, while preserving its aspect ratio. In other words, it will make the opposite choice of the Fit mode. If the two gates’ aspect ratios differ, the aperture will be horizontally or vertically cropped.
Distort: The aperture gate will match the size of the resolution gate. If their aspect ratios differ, the resulting image will appear vertically or horizontally stretched or squeezed.
The orthographic aperture used when converting distant lights ( which are theoretically infinite in extent )
Clipping planes for the created cameras. When creating a perspective camera, a near clip <= 0 is invalid, and will be replaced with 0.01. Also, certain lights only start casting light at some distance - if near clip is less than this, it will be increased.