
Converts lights into cameras. Spotlights are converted to a perspective camera with the field of view matching the cone angle, and distant lights are converted to an orthographic camera.


Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.


The processed output scene.


The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.


The input scene


Specifies which lights to convert.


Determines how the size of the rendered image relates to the camera aperture. If the aspect ratios of the aperture and the output resolution are the same, then this has no effect, otherwise it dictates what method is used to preserve the pixel aspect ratio of the rendered image.

Horizontal : The frustum is adjusted so that the rendered image fills the full width of the aperture and aspect ratio is preserved.

Vertical : The frustum is adjusted so that the rendered image fills the full height of the aperture and aspect ratio is preserved.

Fit : Automatically picks Horizontal or Vertical such that all of the aperture is contained within the output image. This may result in seeing outside the aperture at the top and bottom or left and right.

Fill : Automatically picks Horizontal or Vertical such that the output image is fully covered by the aperture. Part of the aperture may be cropped off at the top and bottom or left and right.

Distort : Distorts the frustum so that the aperture is fitted exactly to the output display window, resulting in non-square pixels