Produces scenes containing a camera. To choose which camera is used for rendering, use a StandardOptions node.
Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.
The output scene.
The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs an empty scene.
The name of the object in the output scene.
A list of sets to include the object in. The names should be separated by spaces.
The transform applied to the object.
The base camera type.
Supports two standard projections: orthographic and perspective. For less standard projections that require renderer-specific implementations, such as spherical, you will need to use a downstream CameraTweaks node to adjust this camera’s parameters.
The input values to use in defining the perspective
projection. They can be either a horizontal field of view
), or a film back/sensor (aperture
) and
focal length (focalLength
). The latter two can take the
exact measurements from a real camera and lens setup. With
either perspective mode, perspective is stored as
and focalLength
parameters on the camera.
The horizontal field of view, in degrees.
In the camera’s parameters, projection is always stored as
and focalLength
. When using the Field of
View perspective mode, the aperture has the fixed
dimensions of 1, 1
, and this plug drives the
The vertical field of view, according to the ratio
(horizontal FOV) / (vertical FOV)
. A value of 1 would
result in a square aperture, while a value of 1.778 would
result in a 16:9 aperture.
“Aperture” in this sense is equivalent to film back/sensor.
The final projection of a render using this camera will
depend on these settings in combination with the
and filmFit
render settings.
The width and height of the aperture when using the Aperture and Focal Length perspective mode. Use this in conjunction with a focal length to define the camera’s equivalent field of view.
“Aperture” here is equivalent to the film back/sensor on a real camera. A handful of default camera presets are provided, including Full Frame 35mm and several popular Alexa and RED bodies. Once the aperture is set, the focal length can then be adjusted on its own to control the field of view, just like on a real camera.
When setting the aperture manually, the x
and y
dimensions can be measured in any unit of length, so long
as they use the same unit as the focal length. You can
safely follow convention and use millimeters for both.
The final field of view of a render will depend on these
settings in combination with the resolution
and filmFit
render options.
The focal length portion of the Aperture and Focal Length perspective mode. This is equivalent to the lens’s focal length in a real camera setup. Use this in conjunction with the aperture to set the camera’s equivalent field of view. Like on a real camera, the aperture is typically constant, and the focal length is then adjusted to control the field of view.
This can be a distance in any unit of length, as long as you use the same unit for the aperture. You can safely follow convention and use millimeters for both.
The final field of view of a render using this camera will
depend on these settings in combination with the
and filmFit
render options.
The width and height of the orthographic camera’s aperture, in world space units.
Offsets the aperture parallel to the image plane, to achieve a skewed viewing frustum. The scale of the offset depends on the projection and perspective mode:
- Perspective projection: - Field Of View mode: 1 offset = 1 horizontal field of view. - Aperture and Focal Length mode: 1 offset = 1 aperture unit of measure (for example, 1mm).
- Orthographic projection: 1 offset = 1 world space unit.
For use in special cases, such as simulating a tilt-shift lens, rendering tiles for a large panorama, or matching a plate that has been asymmetrically cropped.
The setting equivalent to the f-number on a camera, which ultimately determines the strength of the depth of field blur. A lower value produces more blur. As in a real camera, fStop
is defined as focalLength / lens aperture
To enable depth of field blur (if your renderer supports it), give this plug a value greater than 0, and, on a downstream StandardOptions node, enable the Depth Of Field plug and turn it on.
The scale to convert from focal length units to world space
units. Combined with f-stop to calculate the lens aperture.
Set this to scale the lens units into scene units, to
ensure the depth of field blur correctly scales to the
scene. Once this plug is set, the fStop
plug can be
adjusted to match a real-world lens setting.
For example, given a lens with a focal length in mm, and a scene that uses decimeters for its world space units, the Millimeters to Decimeters preset would provide the proper conversion.
The default value of 0.1 scales millimeter (default focal length unit) to centimeter (default world space unit of Alembic and USD scene formats). Other default presets for scaling to decimeter or meter are also available.
If using Field Of View projection mode, you won’t have a
focal length plug to work with, and the aperture size will
be (1,1). To compensate, select Custom and then input a
value that scales the scene unit of measure to a realistic
aperture size. For example, 3.5
would convert 1
centimeter (Alembic/USD default) to 35mm, which would
simulate a 35mm lens.
The distance from the camera at which objects are in perfect focus, in world space units.
The near and far clipping planes, defining a region of forward depth within which objects are visible to this camera.
Render settings specified here will override their corresponding global render options.
Overrides the filmFit
render option:
How the aperture gate (the frame defined by the aperture) will fit into the resolution gate (the framed defined by the data window). Fitting is applied only if the respective aspect ratios of the aperture and the resolution are different. The following fitting modes are available:
- Horizontal: The aperture gate will fit horizontally between the left/right edges of the resolution gate, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the aperture’s aspect ratio is larger than the resolution’s, the top/bottom edges of the aperture will be cropped. If it’s smaller, then the top/bottom edges will capture extra vertical scene content.
- Vertical: The aperture gate will fit vertically between the top/bottom edges of the resolution gate, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the aperture’s aspect ratio is larger than the resolution’s, the left/right edges of the aperture will be cropped. If it’s smaller, then the left/right edges will capture more horizontal scene content.
- Fit: The aperture gate will fit horizontally (like Horizontal mode) or vertically (like Vertical mode) inside the resolution gate to avoid cropping the aperture, while preserving its aspect ratio. If the two gates’ aspect ratios differ, the aperture will capture extra horizontal or vertical scene content.
- Fill: The aperture gate will fill the resolution gate such that none of the aperture captures extra scene content, while preserving its aspect ratio. In other words, it will make the opposite choice of the Fit mode. If the two gates’ aspect ratios differ, the aperture will be horizontally or vertically cropped.
- Distort: The aperture gate will match the size of the resolution gate. If their aspect ratios differ, the resulting image will appear vertically or horizontally stretched or squeezed.
Overrides the shutter
render option:
The interval over which the camera shutter is open. Measured in frames, and specified relative to the frame being rendered.
Overrides the renderResolution
render option:
The resolution of the image to be rendered.
Overrides the pixelAspectRatio
render option:
The width / height
aspect ratio of the individual pixels in
the rendered image.
Overrides the resolutionMultiplier
render option:
Multiplies the resolution of the render by this amount.
Overrides the overscan
render option:
Whether to enable overscan, which adds extra pixels to the sides of the rendered image.
Overscan can be useful when camera shake or blur will be added as a post-process. This plug just enables overscan as a whole – use the Overscan Top, Overscan Bottom, Overscan Left and Overscan Right plugs to specify the amount of overscan on each side of the image.
Overrides the overscanLeft
render option:
The amount of overscan at the left of the image. Specified as a 0-1 proportion of the original image width.
Overrides the overscanRight
render option:
The amount of overscan at the right of the image. Specified as a 0-1 proportion of the original image width.
Overrides the overscanTop
render option:
The amount of overscan at the top of the image. Specified as a 0-1 proportion of the original image height.
Overrides the overscanBottom
render option:
The amount of overscan at the bottom of the image. Specified as a 0-1 proportion of the original image height.
Overrides the renderCropWindow
render option:
Limits the render to a region of the image. The rendered image will have the same resolution as usual, but areas outside the crop will be rendered black. Coordinates range from (0,0) at the top-left of the image to (1,1) at the bottom-right. The crop window tool in the viewer may be used to set this interactively.
Overrides the depthOfField
render option:
Whether to render with depth of field. To ensure the effect is visible, you must also set an f-stop value greater than 0 on this camera.
Attributes that affect the visualisation of this camera in the Viewer.
Scales non-geometric visualisations in the viewport to make them easier to work with.
Controls whether the camera draws a visualisation of its frustum.