
Mailing List

The gaffer-dev mailing list is home to development discussions, feature requests, and is a great place to ask questions of the development team and wider user-base. Its archives contain a wealth of questions, answers, and examples accumulated over the years.

GitHub Discussions

Each Gaffer release is posted as a thread on GitHub Discussions. We also encourage questions and general discussion there.


Presentations, examples, and demonstrations can be found at the GafferHQ Vimeo.

Community Groups


Gaffer Users is a community-run Discord server.


WSL hosts a Gaffer Forum as part of its Open Source VFX community.


Production Templates

Gaffer Examples is a collection of shot and asset templates created by Ezequiel Mastrasso.


Deadline Dispatcher

GafferDeadline is a Deadline dispatcher created by Eric Mehl, allowing Gaffer task networks to be dispatched and rendered on a Deadline managed render farm.

ShotGrid Integration

TK-Gaffer is a ShotGrid integration created by Diego Garcia Huerta, with support for file management, asset loading, publishing, and more.