
  • USDLight : Added Cycles-specific light parameters.

  • USD : Added automatic expansion of USD PointInstancers at render time.

    • This can be controlled on a per-instancer basis using a gafferUSD:pointInstancerAdaptor:enabled boolean attribute.

    • Which point cloud primitive variables are promoted to user attributes can be controlled using a gafferUSD:pointInstancerAdaptor:attributes string attribute.

    • May be disabled entirely with GafferScene.SceneAlgo.deregisterRenderAdaptor( "USDPointInstancerAdaptor" ).

  • Viewer : Added “Expand USD Instancers” item to the Expansion menu. Defaults to on for all renderers except OpenGL.

  • Instancer : Added support for prototype paths that are relative to an instancer. When using the same scene connected to both in and prototypes, this allows relocating an instancer together with its prototypes to a different location in the hierarchy. Prototype paths beginning with “./” are treated as relative, or you can set the environment variable GAFFERSCENE_INSTANCER_EXPLICIT_ABSOLUTE_PATHS to treat any path not beginning with “/” as relative (this may be the default in the future).


  • 3Delight : Added light muting support.

  • Arnold : Added support for specifying the name of a shader in the node menu using Arnold’s ui.name metadata. This improves the formatting of the OpenPBR Surface menu item.

  • VisualiserTool : Added new visualisation for vector (V3f) data.

    • The vectorScale plug can be used to scale the vector line. The Shift + + and Shift + - keyboard shortcuts can also be used to change the scale.

    • The vectorColor plug can be used to change the color of the vector line.

    • The vector value being visualised for the vertex nearest the cursor is shown next to the vertex.

  • NameSwitch : Added enabledNames output plug.

  • ColorSwatchPlugValueWidget : Changed the display transform of the color chooser dialogue to match that of the ColorSwatchPlugValueWidget creating it instead of the script window.

  • Instancer : Improved hashing of instancer capsules. Prevents unnecessary recomputation of instancers when editing something unrelated.


  • SceneWriter : Fixed writing of animated attributes and bounds to USD.

  • NumericPlug : Fixed serialisation of plugs with infinite min/max values, for example the promoted outputs of an ImageStats node.

  • VisualiserTool : Changed viewer shortcut to P to fix conflict with the Transform Tool.

  • Render Pass menu : Fixed bug evaluating image nodes in wrong context.

  • Instancer : Fixed obscure bug that could occasionally cause errors while interactively editing prototype hierarchy.


  • Cortex : Updated to version


  • Attributes, Options : Added protected constructors for initialising from attributes/options defined by metadata.

  • ShaderUI : Added support for noduleLayout:visible and noduleLayout:defaultVisibility metadata, which can be registered via the Metadata API in the same way as userDefault.