This internal node is used to implement automatic translation of USD point instancers at render time. It should never been by users, but DocumentationTest still complains if it isn’t documented.
Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.
The processed output scene.
The on/off state of the node. When it is off, the node outputs the input scene unchanged.
The input scene
Part of the standard renderAdaptor API, this is how a render adaptor is passed a string for the current renderer name. Used to decide whether encapsulation is supported.
Controls whether the adaptor is hidden by default. Contains a dict, with a boolean value for each renderer. Defaults true for any renderers not specified in the dict. Slightly weird interface, but is basically internal. It should only ever be edited by the expansion menu set up in startup/GafferSceneUI/usdPointInstancerAdaptor.py