
Applies OpenColorIO “looks” to an image.

A ‘look’ is a named color transform, intended to modify the look of an image in a ‘creative’ manner (as opposed to a colorspace definition which tends to be technically/mathematically defined).

Examples of looks may be a neutral grade, to be applied to film scans prior to VFX work, or a per-shot DI grade decided on by the director, to be applied just before the viewing transform.

OCIOLooks must be predefined in the OpenColorIO configuration before usage, often reference per-shot/sequence LUTs/CCs and are applied in scene linear colorspace.

See the look plug for further syntax details.

See opencolorio.org for look configuration customization examples.


Container for user-defined plugs. Nodes should never make their own plugs here, so users are free to do as they wish.


The output image generated by this node.


Turns the node on and off.


The input image


The names of the channels to process. Names should be separated by spaces and can use Gaffer’s standard wildcards.


Unpremultiplies data before processing, and premultiply again after processing. This allows accurate processing of nodes that deal with color, when running on partially transparent or deep images.



Deprecated - please use the OpenColorIOContext node instead.


Look Syntax:

Multiple looks are combined with commas: ‘neutral, primary’

Direction is specified with +/- prefixes: ‘+neutral, -primary’

Missing look ‘fallbacks’ specified with |: ‘neutral, -primary | -primary’


Specify the look transform direction