
  • MeshNormals : Added a new node for adjusting mesh normals.

  • VolumeScatter : Added a new node for scattering points throughout a volume.

  • Cycles : Updated to version 3.5.0.

  • LightTool : Added 3d viewer tool for manipulating lights. Manipulation of spot light cone and penumbra angles is currently supported.


  • 3D Viewer :

    • Added OpenColorIO colour management.

    • Added exposure, gamma and solo channel settings.

    • Ancestors and siblings of locations included in the Visible Set are no longer drawn while their ancestors are collapsed.

    • Added red wireframe colour to the bounding box of locations excluded from the Visible Set.

  • UVInspector : Added exposure, gamma and solo channel settings.

  • ImageReader : The colorSpace widget now displays the name of the assumed colorspace when in Automatic mode.

  • ImageReader, ImageWriter : The colorSpace menu is now filtered using the file-io category, if the current OpenColorIO config provides it.

  • ImageReader, OpenImageIOReader : Added fileValid BoolPlug that outputs True if the required file exists for the current frame.

  • OpenColorIO :

    • Updated default config to ACES Studio 1.3.

    • Added openColorIO plug to ScriptNode, allowing the OpenColorIO config, working space, variables and display transform to be customised on a per-script basis.

    • Improved colorspace menus :

      • Organised colorspaces into submenus by family.

      • Removed unwanted title-casing, so that names are now displayed verbatim.

      • Added control over the presence of roles by registering openColorIO:includeRoles metadata to the relevant plugs.

    • Improved View display transform menu :

      • Ordered menu items to match the order in the OpenColorIO config.

      • Removed “Default” view.

      • Added menu options for changing the current Display.

      • Allowed the available views to be filtered using an openColorIO:activeViews metadata value registered on the View’s displayTransform.name plug. Values should be space-separated names, optionally containing wildcards.

    • OpenColorIOContext : Added a new node that creates Gaffer context variables to define the OpenColorIO config used by upstream nodes. This allows different OpenColorIO configs to be used in different Gaffer contexts.

    • OpenColorIOTransform :

      • Improved performance.

      • Improved detection of no-op transforms, such as when converting between colorspace aliases like scene_linear and ACEScg.

    • ColorSpace : Defaulted the input and output space to the current working space.

    • DisplayTransform : Defaulted the input space to the current working space, and the display and view to the defaults defined by the current OpenColorIO config.

    • ArnoldColorManager : Improved defaults to match Gaffer’s current OpenColorIO configuration.

  • Seeds :

    • Renamed to Scatter.

    • Added sampling of primitive variables from the source mesh onto the scattered points, controlled using the new primitiveVariables plug.

    • Added referencePosition plug to allow point distribution to be fixed on animated meshes.

    • Added uv plug to allow the space within which the points are scattered to be controlled.

    • Added support for density primitive variable values above 1.

    • Improved numerical accuracy.

    • Improved performance.

  • VectorDataPlugValueWidget : Computation errors are now reflected by a red background colour.

  • VectorWarp : Added Bilinear filter, for faster but lower quality warping.

  • Dilate, Erode, Median, Resample, Resize, ImageTransform, Blur, VectorWarp : Improved performance significantly. For example, a Blur with a large radius is now almost 6x faster.

  • RotateTool : Added the ability to rotate an axis whose plane of rotation is parallel or nearly parallel to the view.

  • OptionQuery : Added support for querying generic IECore::Object values using an ObjectPlug.

  • HierarchyView :

    • Added support for inclusion and exclusion of leaf level locations to the Visible Set.

    • Added F shortcut to expand ancestors and frame selected paths. This replaces the previous behaviour of automatic updates to expansion and framing in the HierarchyView on selection change.

  • CyclesOptions :

    • Added useLightTree plug.

    • Added path guiding options.

  • CyclesAttributes :

    • Added emissionSamplingMethod plug.

    • Added isCausticsCaster and isCausticsReceiver plugs.

  • Render : Improved clearing of the compute and hash caches prior to rendering, potentially providing more memory to the renderer. Note that clearing is now only performed in the execute and dispatch apps.


  • UVInspector : Removed display transform from UV wireframes and grid.

  • Viewer :

    • Gamma is now applied after the display transform, not before.

    • Fixed image viewer’s active tile indicators from becoming stuck when a computation was cancelled.

  • Expression : Fixed parsing of Python expressions combining subscripts ([]) and context methods (#3088, #3613, #5250).

  • ConnectionCreatorWrapper : Fixed bug which forced PlugAdder derived classes to implement updateDragEndPoint() unnecessarily.

  • Plug : Fixed bug which caused stale values to be retrieved from the cache for plugs that had been renamed.

  • ValuePlug : Fixed results when graph edits and computes are interleaved within a DirtyPropagationScope (#1971).

  • OpenColorIOTransform : Fixed error processing deep image tiles containing no samples.

  • Seeds :

    • Fixed duplicate points at triangle edges.

    • Fixed handling of points exactly at the density threshold.

  • ObjectSource, Group : Prevented the creation of locations with invalid names - .., ... or anything containing / or a filter wildcard.

  • BranchCreator : Prevented the use of ... and other filter wildcards in the destination.

  • TranslateTool : Fixed dragging in a plane parallel to an orthographic view. Translation in that case now behaves the same as dragging an axis.

  • Window : Fixed handling of **kw constructor arguments. These were being passed to the QWidget constructor where they caused errors, instead of being passed to the ContainerWidget base class.

  • PresetsPlugValueWidget : Fixed label update for context-sensitive presets.

  • PlugValueWidget : Fixed value update when auxiliary plugs depend on the context but the primary plugs do not.

  • Cycles : Fixed handling of cycles:shader:volume_sampling_method and cycles:shader:volume_interpolation_method attributes, which were being ignored previously.

  • OptionQuery : Fixed bug which allowed duplicate queries to be added in the UI.


  • GraphComponent :

    • Added an oldName argument to nameChangedSignal() slot signature.

    • Added a nameChanged() protected virtual method, which can be overridden to receive notifications of name changes before they are made public by nameChangedSignal().

    • Colon (:) is now an allowed character in names.

  • View : Added DisplayTransform add-on class which can be used to add colourspace management to any View.

  • ViewportGadget : A post-process shader can now be applied to any layer, not just the main one.

  • SceneGadget : Added setLayer() and getLayer() methods, which allow the destination Gadget::Layer to be specified.

  • TestCase : Added ignoreMessage() method, to register messages that should not be treated as test failures.

  • OpenColorIOTransform : Automated image pass-throughs when the transform() method returns a no-op. Derived classes no longer need to implement their own pass-through.

  • OpenColorIOTransformUI :

    • Added support for openColorIO:categories and openColorIO:includeRoles metadata to colorSpacePresetNames(). These may be registered on a per-plug basis to control the colorspaces shown for that plug.

    • Added support for openColorIO:extraPresetNames and openColorIO:extraPresetValues metadata to add presets not defined by the OpenColorIO config.

  • OpenColorIOAlgo : Added a new namespace that allows the OpenColorIO config and working space to be defined via the Gaffer context.

  • OpenColorIOConfigPlug : Added a new plug type to aid in configuring the OpenColorIO context for a ScriptNode.

  • ImageReader/ImageWriter : Added a config argument to the DefaultColorSpaceFunction definition. This is passed the OpenColorIO config currently being used by the node.

  • ValuePlug :

    • Added Python bindings for derived classes’ ValueType type alias.

    • Added now argument to clearHashCache() method.

  • Color4fVectorDataPlug : Added a plug type for storing arrays of Color4f.

  • TypedObjectPlug : Added default value for direction and defaultValue constructor arguments.

  • VectorDataWidget : Added setErrored() and getErrored() methods to control an error state. Errors are reflected by a red background colour.

  • PlugLayout :

    • Added support for layout:minimumWidth metadata.

    • Tabs are now hidden if all their child plugs are hidden by layout:visibilityActivator metadata.

  • PlugValueWidget :

    • Added typeMetadata argument to create() to use an alternative key to plugValueWidget:type when looking up widget type.

    • Added _valuesDependOnContext() method which may be overridden by derived classes.

  • PresetsPlugValueWidget : Added presetsPlugValueWidget:customWidgetType metadata, to allow the type for the custom widget to be specified.

  • TabbedContainer : Added setTabVisible() and getTabVisible() methods.

  • Removed use of RTLD_GLOBAL for loading Python modules.

  • SceneAlgo : Added validateName() function.

  • Sampler : Added visitPixels() method, which provides an optimised method for accessing all pixels in a region.

  • Handle::AngularDrag : Added isLinearDrag() method.

  • Widget : Added per-widget control over colour display transforms via new setDisplayTransform(), getDisplayTransform() and displayTransform() methods.

  • VisibleSet : Added VisibleSet::Visibility struct containing drawMode and descendantsVisible members.

  • ValuePlug : Improved getValue() performance, particularly when retrieving previously computed values from the cache. One benchmark shows a 50% reduction in runtime when the cache is under heavy contention from many threads.

  • PathListingWidget :

    • Added expandToSelection() method.

    • Added scrollToFirst() method to scroll to the first path found in the provided PathMatcher.

Breaking Changes

  • Appleseed : Removed Appleseed support. We suggest Cycles as an actively maintained open-source alternative.

  • ColorSwatch, ColorChooser, ColorChooserDialogue : Removed useDisplayTransform constructor argument. Use Widget.setDisplayTransform() instead.

  • GraphComponent : Changed slot signature for nameChangedSignal().

  • GLWidget :

    • A GL context is no longer available in _resize().

    • Removed BufferOptions.Double.

  • GadgetWidget : Removed bufferOptions constructor argument.

  • ImageView :

    • Removed lutGPU plug.

    • Removed DisplayTransform methods. Use View::DisplayTransform instead.

    • Moved exposure, gamma, clipping and soloChannel plugs under a displayTransform parent plug.

    • Moved the displayTransform plug to displayTransform.name.

  • ViewportGadget : Changed function signature for setPostProcessShader() and getPostProcessShader().

  • UVInspector : Moved the displayTransform plug to displayTransform.name.

  • ImageReader : Renamed None preset to Automatic.

  • ImageReader/ImageWriter : Added a config argument to DefaultColorSpaceFunction. If implementing such a function in Python, it can be compatible with both Gaffer 1.2 and 1.3 if the argument is declared as config = PyOpenColorIO.GetCurrentConfig().

  • OpenColorIOTransform :

    • Removed availableColorSpaces() and availableRoles() methods.

    • Deprecated context plug.

  • OpenColorIO : Changed default config.

  • PathListingWidget : Removed expandNonLeaf argument from setSelection() and setSelectedPaths() methods.

  • Subprocess32 : Removed Python module.

  • Six : Removed Python module.

  • Gaffer : Class constructors are now declared explicit disabling implicit conversions.

  • Seeds :

    • Renamed to Scatter.

    • Bugs fixes have made small changes to the point distribution.

  • ColorProcessor : Refactored virtual methods that must be implemented by derived classes :

    • Replaced processColorData() with colorProcessor() method that returns a ColorProcessorFunction.

    • Replaced affectsColorData() with affectsColorProcessor() and hashColorData() with hashColorProcessor().

    • Simplified implementation of pass-throughs when the color processor is a no-op. Derived classes may simply return an empty ColorProcessorFunction, and everything else is taken care of in the base class.

  • PlugValueWidget :

    • Removed support for deprecated layout:widgetType metadata. Use plugValueWidget:type metadata instead.

    • Removed useTypeOnly argument from create() function. Pass typeMetadata = None instead.

  • MeshTangents : Changed the edge used by Mode::FirstEdge.

  • Handle::AngularDrag : Fixed mismatch between comment and implementation regarding the axis for zero rotation. The constructor arguments axis0 and axis1 were changed to normal and axis0 respectively.

  • Preferences : Removed displayColorSpace plug. Use the ScriptNode’s openColorIO plug instead.

  • GafferUI.DisplayTransform : Removed. Use Widget.setDisplayTransform() instead.

  • ColorSpace : The inputSpace and outputSpace default values are now interpreted as the working space rather than as invalid spaces. This means that a node where only one space has been specified is no longer a pass-through as it was before.

  • DisplayTransform :

    • The inputSpace default value is now interpreted as the working space rather than as an invalid space. This means that a node without inputSpace specified is no longer a pass-through as it was before.

    • The display and view default values are now interpreted as the default defined by the current OpenColorIO config, rather than as invalid values. This means that a node without display or view specified is no longer a pass-through as it was before.

  • gaffer test : Replaced -performanceOnly flag with -category argument which may be set to performance for the same as the old -performanceOnly, or standard for the converse.

  • VisibleSet : Renamed VisibleSet::match() to visibility() and changed return type.

  • SceneView : Removed gridPlug() method.

  • TypedPlug : Moved implementation code from TypedPlug.inl to TypedPlugImplementation.h.

  • TypedObjectPlug : Moved implementation code from TypedObjectPlug.inl to TypedObjectPlugImplementation.h.

  • Xerces : Removed. This library was only needed by Appleseed.

  • CyclesAttributes : Replaced useMis with emissionSamplingMethod.


  • Boost :

    • Updated to version 1.80.0.

    • Stopped linking unnecessarily to iostreams, date_time, wave and system libraries.

  • Cortex : Updated to version

  • Cycles : Updated to version 3.5.0.

  • Imath : Added version 3.1.7.

  • MaterialX : Added version 1.38.4.

  • Minizip : Added version 3.0.9.

  • OpenColorIO : Updated to version 2.2.1.

  • OpenEXR :

    • Updated to version 3.1.7.

    • Stopped linking unnecessarily to the IlmImf library.

  • OpenImageIO : Updated to version

  • OpenPGL : Added version 0.4.1.

  • Partio : Added version 1.14.6.

  • PCG : Added latest version.

  • PyBind11 : Updated to version 2.10.4.

  • PySide : Updated to version 5.15.8.

  • Qt : Updated to version 5.15.8.

  • USD : Updated to version 23.05.

  • ZLib : Added version 1.2.13.